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Packaging Development and New Trends












BIOVIA as a Laboratory and Industry Solution Tool

BIOVIA Materials Studio (MS)是一款来自达索Systèmes的建模和仿真工具,它提供了一系列不同的模块来建模不同的材料,研究它们的特性,并分析它们的行为。模拟尺度通常从原子尺度到中尺度。原子模型提供了更详细的见解,因此它是研究分子结构、内能、化学键和角度等的一个很好的选择。而对于较大的系统则采用了细观结构(图1)。


MS Mesocite可以对细观结构进行建模和模拟,使研究具有多个组分的复杂构型成为可能。这种模型在时间和系统长度的原子尺度上具有挑战性。在原子尺度上,有必要考虑系统中所有原子之间的每一次相互作用;然而,在中尺度上(即粗粒度模型4),原子被分组在一起,这降低了自由度,系统只考虑组之间的相互作用,这大大降低了计算成本。


1 b,这种简化使大规模系统的模拟成为可能,如膜、软物质和生物聚合物。


Figure 1: (a) Molecular


Figure 1 (b)Coarse-Grained Representation of Dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC)








Polymers as a Case Study


Figure 2: Polypropylene from Macroscale to Nanoscale


Materials Studio中尺度模拟使用MS Mesocite,采用NVT和NPT集成,开发了一个基于Martini 3.0的定制力场,该力场将专门针对聚丙烯珠(图3)。我们研究了粗粒珠数量对旋转半径(Rg)和密度随温度变化的影响。将这些结果与实验数据进行比较,以验证新开发的力场(图4)。

Figure 3: Mesostructure containing chains of Coarse-Grained Polypropylene



Figure 4: Results obtained in Materials Studio for Polypropylene: a) Radius of gyration, b) Density and c) Diffusion Coefficient of Water 


聚丙烯是一种不可生物降解的石油基聚合物,具有高氧扩散和低水蒸气渗透。市场的新趋势是寻找与旧聚合物具有同等或更大优势的生物基和生物降解聚合物。同样的分步计算方法应用于更简单的聚合物,现在被扩展到更复杂的框架,如聚乳酸(PLA)和聚乙二醇(PGA) BIOVIA材料工作室达索Systèmes提供了一个先进的环境,在二氧化硅材料及其性能的发现和分析。使用这种解决方案,过量的实验室实验被最小化,资源被保留,成本被降低,上市时间被改善,创新被迅速推向市场。



Packaging covers products to protect them during storage, transportation, distribution, and use. In addition to being a physical enclosure against shocks, temperature changes, and pressure changes, it can also act as a barrier against oxidizing agents. Lastly, it serves as an information and marketing tool.


Packaging Development and New Trends

The main steps for developing new packaging include:

I. Research: choose the material (often a polymer film) and design it;


II.Development:characterize the materials and evaluate their physical and chemical properties, potential impact on the environment, the safety and the regulatory issues of the material on a laboratory (pilot) scale;


III. Manufacturing: produce it on a large scale following the guidance of Quality Control.


Choosing the material for packaging is a long process. Commonly used materials are paper and cardboard, plastics, metals and glass. Plastics corresponded to almost half of the worldwide packaging demand in 2019, counting approximately 44%1. The production of plastics nowadays is larger than the amount the world can deal with big part of it is single use, being disposed in the environment in a matter of minutes after usage, but staying in nature for hundreds of years. Consequently, the idea of sustainability emerges with the necessity for changes in these materials, urging for innovative, recyclable, renewable, and degradable components.


The answers to this challenge must come fast, considering the new consumers’ desires, the volatility of the supply chain, and the consequences to living beings for releasing non-degradable plastics into the environment2. Therefore, simulation and modeling appear as powerful tools to fight against this issue rapidly, including benefits such as enhancing the discovery of new substances, and reducing, not only resources used in the laboratory, but also the time applied in the numerous necessary physical tests.


BIOVIA as a Laboratory and Industry Solution Tool

BIOVIA Materials Studio® (MS) is a modelling and simulation tool from Dassault Systèmes that provides a list of diverse modules to model different materials, to study their properties, and analyze their behavior. Simulation scales typically go from the atomistic to the meso-scale. Atomistic models give more detailed insights, thus it is a good option to investigate the structure of molecules, internal energy, bonds and angles, for example. While mesostructures are employed for larger systems (Figure 1).


MS Mesocite can model and simulate mesostructures, making it possible to study complex configurations with many components. Such models would be challenging at the atomistic scale in terms of time and system length. In atomic scale, it is necessary to account for every interaction between all atoms in the system; however, at the mesoscale (i.e. coarse-grained models4), the atoms are grouped together, this reducing the degrees of freedom and the system accounts only the interaction between the groups, which greatly decreases the computational cost.


1b. This simplification enables simulations of large-scale systems such as membranes, soft matter, and biopolymers.


Figure 1: (a) Molecular


Figure 1 (b)Coarse-Grained Representation of Dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC)


To bring a real molecule to a virtual environment, we implement an Interatomic Potential, commonly called a Forcefield, which is a combination of parameters that will determine how the beads interact. These parameters consist of bonded terms (intramolecular interactions) and non-bonded terms (intermolecular interactions). In order to determine and validate these specifications, simulations are performed, and the results are compared with experimental results.


Once the parameters are validated against experimental results, the Forcefield is ready and can be applied in other studies with similar chemical systems.  


The Martini forcefield was first published in 2007, with the primary aim to simulate complex biomolecules5. In 2021, Martini 3.0 was published as a promising updated version, now broadly extended to other types of chemicals, such as polymers, combining parameters with 11 levels that go from hyper attractive to super repulsive non-bonded interactions6.


Polymers as a Case Study

After polyethylene, polypropylene is the most demanded polymer in the packaging industry7. It is one of the simplest homopolymers, and the repeat unit is propylene (Figure 2). Understanding its molecular structure, its mechanical and chemical properties, and its interactions with other molecules is pertinent not only to manufacture products based on it, but also to developing new materials with the equivalent or even enhanced properties.

Figure 2: Polypropylene from Macroscale to Nanoscale


Materials Studio Mesoscale Simulations were run using MS Mesocite, employing both NVT and NPT ensembles, to develop a tailored Forcefield based on Martini 3.0, which would be specific to polypropylene beads (Figure 3). We studied the influence of Coarse-Grained beads number on the radius of gyration (Rg) and the density variation with the temperature. These results were compared to experimental data in order to validate the newly developed Forcefield (Figure 4).

Figure 3: Mesostructure containing chains of Coarse-Grained Polypropylene


Next, we looked at other common properties that could meet the needs of the packaging industry such as the Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) and Oxygen Permeation (OP). Both of these are critical for preserving stored goods, as well as for elongation at break, which may be relevant to polymer production or transportation.

Figure 4: Results obtained in Materials Studio for Polypropylene: a) Radius of gyration, b) Density and c) Diffusion Coefficient of Water 


Polypropylene is a non-biodegradable petroleum-based polymer with a high oxygen diffusion and a low water vapor permeation. The new tendency of the market is to find biobased and biodegradable polymers with equivalent or superior advantages compared to the old ones. The same step-by-step computational method applied to simpler polymers is now being extended to more complex frameworks, such as Polylactic acid (PLA) and Polyglycolide (PGA) BIOVIA Materials Studio® Dassault Systèmes offers an advanced environment for discovery and analysis In Silico of materials and their performance.Using this solution, excessive laboratory experiments are minimized, resources are preserved, costs are reduced, time-to-market is improved, and innovations are brought quickly to market.



1.Statista. Distribution of packaging demand worldwide in 2019, by material type. Available in.



2.National Geographic. The world’s plastic pollution crisis explained.2019.Available in.



3.BIOVIA Reference Database. Molecular Modeling and Simulation. Available in.



4.Casalini, Tommaso. “Fundamentals and application of modeling in support of spinal cord injury repair strategies.” Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Repair Strategies. Woodhead Publishing, 2020. 279-306.


5.Marrink, Siewert J., et al. “The MARTINI force field: coarse grained model for biomolecular simulations.” The journal of physical chemistry B 111.27 (2007): 7812-7824.


6.Souza, Paulo CT, et al. “Martini 3: a general purpose force field for coarse-grained molecular dynamics.” Nature methods 18.4 (2021): 382-388.


7.World Economic Forum. Setting the facts straight on plastics. Available in






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北京泰科为广大学习分子模拟科研人员提供了交流讨论平台,泰科建立了BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot和Materials Studio交流群,群里有专业老师解答问题,如有兴趣一起交流,欢迎来电/邮申请入群,作者期待您的参与!




基于BIOVIA Materials Studio材料设计平台,提供涉及电池、航空航天、国防军工、建筑、涂料涂层等多领域材料研发软件及综合解决方案



针对药物设计、药物研发等提供基于Discovery Studio、COSMOLOGIC等软件的ADME、构象比对、溶剂筛选、结晶、成盐、共晶筛选、稳定性、溶解度pKa、分配系数等性质的模拟预测软件及方案






基于Pipeline Pilot提供数据搜集、数据清洗、特征工程、机器学习、流程设计等多种数据挖掘综合解决方案



• 实验室信息管理

• 电子实验记录本/SOP执行

• 试剂耗材管理

• 仪器管理

• 数据管理




• Crystal:固体化学和物理性质计算软件

• Diamond:晶体结构数据可视化分析

• Endeavour:强大的求解晶体结构的软件

• Molpro:高精度量化软件

• Molcas:多参考态量软件                   

• Turbomole:快速稳定量化软件

• TeraChem:GPU上运行的量化计算软件

• Spartan:分子计算建模软件



• GelComparll:凝胶电泳图谱分析软件

• SimaPro:生命周期评估软件             

• Unscrambler:完整多变量数据分析和实验设计软件      

• CSDS:剑桥晶体结构数据库

• lCDD:国际衍射数据中心数据库                

• ICSD:无机晶体结构数据库

• Pearson’s CD:晶体数据库



北京泰科博思科技有限公司(Beijing Tech-Box S&T Co. Ltd.)成立于2007年,是国内领先的分子模拟及虚拟仿真综合解决方案提供商。








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【Materials Studio应用实例】DFT和MD法对阳离子尼罗蓝和阴离子甲基橙在水中金属氯化物表面吸附的比较研究
BIOVIA Materials Studio
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【Materials Studio应用实例】生物分子在腐蚀性混凝土孔隙溶液侵蚀效应中的有效性的探索
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